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Vanessa earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Christian Ministry with a concentration in Church Leadership and Administration from Hope International University. She has over 19 years of experience serving in children's ministry and has also worked as a school teacher and private school director. She has been a breakout speaker at both the Northwest Ministry Conference (now D6) in Kirkland, WA and at the Bay Area Sunday School Convention in Castro Valley, CA. She has also conducted numerous teacher training sessions at churches and online. Vanessa will be teaching a breakout session at the Children's Pastors Conference in Orlando in 2025.


To help children’s ministry leaders bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ and His plan of salvation to kids everywhere.


To be a leading provider of Bible-based resources for children's ministry leaders, regardless of church size or budget.


The Bible is the infallible Word of God and is the only and final authority for salvation and Christian living.

(2 Timothy 3:16, Isaiah 40:8, John 17:17, 2 Peter 1:20-21)


There is only one God, Jesus Christ, who is fully the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

(Deuteronomy 6:4, Colossians 2:9, Isaiah 43:11, Ephesians 4:4-6, 1 Timothy 3:16, Isaiah 9:6, John 14:9)


All have sinned and are in need of salvation.

(Romans 3:23, 1 John 1:8)


Salvation comes by grace through faith by the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

(Ephesians 2:8-9)


Jesus Christ died for our sins, was buried, and resurrected on the third day. In like manner, we obey the command of Jesus Christ (John 3:5) and the Apostle Peter (Acts 2:38) through repentance (death to sin), water baptism by immersion in the name of Jesus Christ (burial), and the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues as the Spirit gives utterance (resurrection).

(Romans 6:4-6, Acts 2:4, Acts 8:14-18, Acts 10:44-48, Acts 19:2-6)


The promise of the Holy Spirit is for all generations, not just for those who lived in Jesus’ day.

(Acts 2:38-39)​


Jesus Christ is coming again and will catch away His church to Himself. There will be a final judgement and the righteous will inherit eternal life while the unrighteous inherit eternal death.

(1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, Revelation 20:11-15)



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